Change Hormonal causing chest and rib cage pain- Rối loạn nội tiết trong thời kỳ tiền mãn kinh

From: Sharee Donaldson <>
Date: Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 11:34 AM

Dear Master Ly


For over 2 years I have had chest pain and chest tenderness (not breast). My chest was very tender to touch especially in the cartilage that joins the ribs to the breastbone (sternum) and the bottom of my rib cage. Sometimes I would also get  shooting pains in the chest and rib cage area.

Hao put me at ease by advising me it could be hormonal (51 year old female) and recommended that I apply heat (hair dryer) on the middle of chest, side & bottom of ribs, underarms, thumbs and big toe and to rub the sides of my hands. I apply heat every night and rub the side of my hands 2-3 times a day.

After a week of doing the above I noticed an improvement. My chest was less tender and within 2-3 weeks chest pains and tenderness had gone. I couldn't believe it! 

Occasionally I may have a day when my chest feels a little tender, however nothing like before. When this occurs I do the above for a longer duration.

Thank you Master Ly for your Corresponding Response Therapy and Hao for putting my mind at ease and for helping me.   I no longer have daily chest pain and tenderness. I am evidence that the above treatment recommended by you works! 

